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Natural Resources - Other
Erosion & Sediment Control in Road Const - Kelowna - NC20BESD010X01
Building Erosion and Sediment Control into Road Design and Construction - Kelowna
This course emphasizes the practices and field skills utilized to evaluate and manage water quality objectives in the planning, location, design, construction (equipment operators & supervisors), maintenance and deactivation of resource roads in BC. Safety, economic and ecological considerations (i.e. sediment management to protect water quality) are incorporated into the learning outcomes.

Participants will be given a course evaluation to complete at the end of the course, which will be used to improve the course on a regular basis.

Registration Dates
Online:Sun  Dec 1, 2019  12:00AM - Thu  Feb 20, 2020  12:00AM
General:Sun  Dec 1, 2019  12:00AM - Thu  Feb 20, 2020  12:00AM
Course Type:Open to All Adults
Location: Kelowna
Instructor:Gary Zsombor
Status: Registration Closed
Flex Registration:No  
Date: Wed  Feb 26, 2020
Registration Fee
Sessions: 1
1Wed  Feb 26, 202008:30AM - 04:30PM
Location: Kelowna
Information and Requirements
Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course the participant will be able to: 1. Describe the general Planning & Road Regulations that guide resource road management in BC. 2. Explain methods for minimizing ecological impacts of resource roads. 3. Explain roads design using plans, profiles, cross sections, site plans & special conditions to build and maintain resource roads. 4. Explain the importance of pre-work, interim and post-work meetings to ensure the plan is followed and/or edited to meet needed revisions of the plan. 5. Explain the role of the work team positions and their working relationship to ensure resource roads are built, maintained and deactivated as planned. 6. Describe the documentation required for resource road management from the planning stage to deactivation. 7. Describe common and specialized resource road construction methods. 8. Describe common resource road maintenance practices and procedures. 9. Describe common resource road deactivation practices and procedures. 10. Describe the common and specialized issues of resource road management and the solutions. 11. Demonstrate the process of resolving work issues (i.e. Environmental, safety, economic) using group, scenario exercises. 12. The presentation will also highlight a practical assessment/guide to identifying and calculating sediment generation and inputs at sites near water bodies will be identified.
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