Notice: When creating a new account with us, the birthdate required field is asking for the birthdate of the participant, not of the emergency contact.
After completing your enrollment, you will see an on screen receipt, the next step is to pay your invoice. Please visit our Payment Options payment page or check your email for your invoice and additional information.
Step 1. Create Billing Contact
Step 2. Activate Account
Step 3. Account Activated

Contact Information       Note: Red text indicates required fields.
Billing First Name:
Billing Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Postal/Zip Code: 
Phone 1: 
Phone 2: 
Alternate Email:
Client #: 
Account Information
* We suggest your email address (Min Characters: 5)
Re-Type Password:  

Password Strength

Note: For the best Password Strength rating include:
  • Uppercase and lowercase characters
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • Eight or more characters
Extra Information
Client Birthdate:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone:
 Permission To Take Photo(s) Granted
Medical Information

Do you have any of the following conditions or requirements?:
Other Medical Conditions:  YesNo 

Please explain:  
Security Check

Captcha Verification  
