Notice: We offer in-person classes in Calgary and virtual classes for anyone in Alberta. Privacy note: Registering for an account or class will be taken as your permission to receive an email confirmation, and in the case of virtual classes a Zoom meeting invitation from:

Welcome to the registration page for Perinatal Education, Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services. We offer in-person classes in Calgary along with virtual classes that are an excellent choice for for pregnant, intended and new parents from anywhere in Alberta. You can choose from over 25 different courses, and all courses are taught by qualified healthcare professionals. We look forward to seeing you in our classes!

  • Registered with us before? Click here to Log on
  • After logon view our course catalog
  • View Schedules of classes
  • View your personal Schedules

Browse through this website and learn more about the many programs and tours we offer. For more information about our facilities and services please visit the Birth and Babies website.