Notice: We offer in-person classes in Calgary and virtual classes for anyone in Alberta. Privacy note: Registering for an account or class will be taken as your permission to receive an email confirmation, and in the case of virtual classes a Zoom meeting invitation from:

A Great Way To Be Prepared!

Childbirth and Parenting Education is one part of Alberta Health Services maternity care and services. The Childbirth Education Program is working with your physician and other Alberta Health Services maternity services to ensure that you will receive a seamless service and the most accurate and up to date information. Our care is based on Canadian guidelines for the nurturing and care of pregnant women and families.

This information is of a general nature and may vary according to special circumstances. Specific questions should be directed to your physician or appropriate health care professional.

Contact Us

For website and technical difficulties email us:

For specific questions related to your health and circumstances, contact your health care professional or call Alberta Health Link at 811.

Other Inquiries

Alberta Health Services, Perinatal Education

East Calgary Health Centre - 4715 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2A 3N4
Phone: 1 (403) 955-1450
Toll free: 1 (866) 471-7011
Fax: 1 (403) 955-1211

Early Start Line

Phone: 1 (403) 244-8351
Information line for families with infants in the first two months of life.

Health Link

Phone:  811
Information and Nurse Advice Line for questions about health and health related community services.